Author: Timothy Alborn
#21 (Spring 1992): “I is for Incite!”; record reviews in reverse-alphabetical order
# 22 (Summer 1992): “Parlor Rock Manifesto” by Frank Boscoe; “Out of the Way First Names: A History of People”; “Suburban Bordeoom (Timeless), June 1992”; “This is Oi!”; “Most Hit Py Pitch, Country”; record reviews and Harriet news
#23 (Spring 1993): “Tamper-proof Screws”; “Omniscience: Or, Why We Are Here”; record reviews divided into several “lumps”: riot grrl, “grown-up,” Matador, “unlumpworthy,” indie pop (US and German), and the “Are We Having Fun Yet?” lump; and Harriet news
#24 (Fall 1993): “Another Incite, Another Exclamation Mark (!)”; “Tee Shirts”; “Where a Record Can Take You” (about finds from Boston record stores and an old friend from 1986); “Harriet Visits Melbourne” (on Horatio Alger’s In a New World and the Melbourne indie pop scene); record reviews and Harriet news
#25 (Spring 1994): “U2 vs. Hub-and-Spoke (Jetstream of Consciousness)”; “A Short History of Wimp Factor XIV”; “Harriet(te)s Through Time”; “I’ve Got to Move with the Fashion, or Be Outcast” (connecting Quadrophenia with the Grifters and Guided by Voices); an appreciation of LMNOP; “Sonntagsmorgen Klingelns (on German indie pop); The Incite! Thesaurus; record reviews and Harriet news
#26 (Autumn 1994): Special Epistolary Issue, with thoughts on letter-writing, personal correspondence, and “How to Write Letters”; “Claremont Spleen: Dick Van Dyke Meets John Darnielle”; record reviews and Harriet news
#27 (Summer 1995): record reviews, including a “special Pavement comparison section”) and Harriet news; numerous illustrations of dugongs.
#28 (February 1996): “Insightful Fanzines”; “Harriet Tidings”; “Library Rock” (interview with several indie-pop musicians who worked in libraries); record reviews; numerous illustrations from library trade journals
#29 (May 1997): essay comparing indie pop to high-scoring scrabble letters; appreciations of the New Bad Things, Bis, The Delgados, Meller Welle, dugong rock, Small Factory, riot grrl and Matilda; record reviews and Harriet news
#30 (July 1998): “Happy Endings” (on leaving Boston); “Harriet and Friends, 1989-1998” (memories and correspondence relating to Harriet); record reviews and Harriet news
#11 (September 1988) “Don’t the Kids Just Love It?”; interviews with Ed’s Redeeming Qualities and Galaxie 500; “Doing It On Their Own: My Afternoon in Camden High Street”; reviews of records I got while in the UK; “My Trip to Bristol” (interview with Matta and Clare from Sarah and Martin from Subway Organization)
#12 (November 1988) “I’m Listening to Music Again”; profile of Angela Fiducia Tilton Heywood, founder of the New England Free Love League in 1873; interviews with High Risk Group and Girl Trouble; “What Little Girls Are Made of” (reflections on Harriet the SPy, The Borrowers, and indie rock); record reviews
#13 (March 1989) bits of mail; “Writing Songs” by Linda Smith; “A Pop Postcard” by Jeffrey Borchardt (on Postcard Records); interview with Lillian Daniel of Geek (pre-Tsunami) by Corey Powell; “Bad, Superman, Bad,” short story by Ray Halliday; “What I Feel about Stevie Smith”; reviews of records and fanzines
#14 (July 1989) reflections on Some Velvet Sidewalk and growing up in Astoria, OR; poems by Nancy Krygowski; “Original Slinky, Walking Spring Toy”; “The Fanzine Game”; “Poetry Reading—the New England Poetry Club”; record and tape reviews
#15 (September 1989) “Teenage Kicks Right Through the Night” (the Fastbacks vs. Greil Marcus); appreciation of Dead Moon, Mega City Four, and the Pastels; “Ancient Grandma Secrets” (oral history with my grandmother, Cynthia Estella Jones); article on the Freshies; “The Withering of the Word” (fake academic article loosley concerning sea monketys)
#16 (November 1989) “The Bad News/The Good News”; print reviews (The Somerville Journal, pulp fiction and fanzines); poems by Richard Hay; “Girls At Their Best” (articles on the Mo-dettes and Girls At Our Best); appreciation of My Dad Is Dead; record reviews
#17 (April 1990) “The Scene Was then”; scene reports on Boston, Pittsburgh, Washington State; Community 3 Records; poem by Richard Hay; letters, record reviews
#18 (October 1990) “I Was Trying to Describe You to SOmeone”by Richard Brautigan; “A Parable about Merge Records”; interview with the Rosslyns; “The Big Red Machine” (about the Cincinnati Reds in the mid-1970s); Bi-Joopiter Tapes; record reviews, Harriet news
#19 (March 1991) “Nothing Personal… Everything Personal”; record reviews, Harriet news
#20 (August 1991) “Fanzine Thralldom and Thrilldom”; “Why Running a Record Label is Neat”; “Natural Kinds of Joy” (on Kenneth Grahame and That Petrol Emotion); “The International Pop Conspiracy Theory” (on not attending the International Pop festival in Olympia); “Sweetest Aches and Sarah Pains”; “Cubist Pop: Pgh Meets NC”; “Feeling Good All Over in Chicago”; “What Makes a Label a ‘Major’ Label?”; record reviews
#1 (Fall 1985) Opinions by me and Bill Whelan; “Houston 1966” scene report by Corey Brennan; interview with the Prevaricators, a punk band from Richmond, VA; record and live reviews.
#2 (Spring 1986) Opinions by me and Bill Whelan; interview with Angst; article by Corey Brennan on the Far Right (drawn from his time working in the Hatvard Government Documents library); interviews with Beefeater, The Descendents, and Joseph I from Bad Brains; live and record reviews.
#3 (Spring 1987) “Why I Don’t Go Out Anymore”; live review of the TV Personalities in London; record and fanzine reviews.
#4 (Summer 1987) “Small Packages of Swellness in the Mail”; live review of the Lemonheads; interview with SOns of Ishmael (hardcore band from Toronto); article on NME Magazine; record and live reviews.
#5 (Fall 1987) A Tipper Gore Dry Dream”; top five beers by Sasha Gottschalk; record reviews.
#6 (December 1987) “The Song Is Over”; Rome scene report by Corey Brennan; interview with Screaming Trees and Beat Happening; “The Road to Cornwall” by John Plotz; “A Night in the Life”; record reviews.
#7 (January 1988) London scene report by Corey Brennan; “Sunday Morning Gunk: Weekend Tour Diary”; “The Record Review Map”; year in review.
#8 (Spring 1988) letters; record reviews (including a page on the Subway Organization); lyrics by Jean Smith; “Italian Disco Death!” by Corey Brennan; Yes at the Meadowlands by Marisa Januzzi; review of the Exploited atthe Channel by Sasha Gottschalk; “It’s a Cuisine” by Chris Marx; “In a Goof Mood, for the Time Being”; record reviews
#9 (May 1988) interview with the Nils (pop-punk band from Montreal); Rome and London scene report by Corey Brennan; art from Agaton Sax and the Max Brothers.
#10 (August 1988) “Make Up Your Own Rules:l article on Viewmaster; interview with Brix Smith by Corey Powell; article on Anarchy (the British magazine that was published from 1961 until 1988); live reviews of Desmond Dekker and various punk bands in London by Sasha Gottschalk; “Whatever Gets You Thru the Night” (record and snack reviews); interview with Mecca Normal