
Top 40 limericks

These are the most popular of my Spelling Bee limericks based on the number of responses in the Facebook group. Click here to scroll through them (newest to oldest) or click individual limericks below.

1. #562: Caught with his Pants Down

2. #143: My Cow, Unmuted

3. #114: Peda-doggy

4. #271: Lucky Cat

5. #363: Select All Images with a Chuppah

6. #416: De Ja Deadhead

7. #234: Man of Many Words

8. #95: Wigwagging

9. #528: Attaboy-ain’t

10. #630: Hayfork

11. #169: Bad Joke Edition

12. #298: Runt of the Litter

13. #305: Tweet-a-Tweet

14. #530: How to Succeed in Spelling Bee Without Really Trying

15. #312: Rasta Pup

16. #590: Not a Hat

17. #356: Build a Better Donut

18. #177: Nana’s Halloween Costume

19 #254: Fit Priests

20. #500: Collie

21. #370: Impenitent Pinnipediment

22: #253: Smurfin’ Bird

23: #216: First the Wallaroo, Now This?

24. #139: Nana Takes Up Angling

25. #328: Rodeo Queen

26. #287: Tall Hair Day

27. #309: Woodwind Section

28. #157: Too Much of a Good Thing

29. #218: A Dog’s Life

30. #387: Votive Shrimp

31. #331: Coke Is It

32. #561: Jammin’ with Nana

33. #412: Deadhead Dick

34. #272: Getting the Band Back Together

35. #161: Hidden Costs

36. #256: My Cat, Isaac Newton

37. #371: Purr

38. #329: Up a Tree

39. #487. A Bourgeois Pastime

40. #327: And For His Next Trick…

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August 2021

August 1: #169: Bad Joke Edition
August 2: #170: Bad Luck in Bio, Part 3
August 3: #171: The Porridge Manifesto
August 4: #172: Thrasher on the Moon
August 5: #173: Insecurity Deposit
August 6: #174: The Weird Sisters Try a New Recipe

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