These are the most popular of my Spelling Bee limericks based on the number of responses in the Facebook group. Click here to scroll through them (newest to oldest) or click individual limericks below.
1. #562: Caught with his Pants Down
2. #143: My Cow, Unmuted
3. #114: Peda-doggy
4. #271: Lucky Cat
5. #363: Select All Images with a Chuppah
10. #630: Hayfork
11. #169: Bad Joke Edition
14. #530: How to Succeed in Spelling Bee Without Really Trying
15. #312: Rasta Pup
16. #590: Not a Hat
17. #356: Build a Better Donut
18. #177: Nana’s Halloween Costume
20. #500: Collie
21. #370: Impenitent Pinnipediment
23: #216: First the Wallaroo, Now This?
24. #139: Nana Takes Up Angling
28. #157: Too Much of a Good Thing
31. #331: Coke Is It
33. #412: Deadhead Dick
34. #272: Getting the Band Back Together
36. #256: My Cat, Isaac Newton
37. #371: Purr
38. #329: Up a Tree